Friday, 1 April 2011

a03 independent travel agencies

cont... (the flight shop - bcd travel)

The business have made links with other business such as Smith & Nephews, not only making profit off general customers but also off businesses. The Flight Shop provides flights and assemble dynamic packages on behalf of the customers of the business. However, selling flight tickets and packages for general customers remains as the core business, as The Flight Shop can not just rely on corporate business even thought they are higher valued products and services. Business are likely to decrease their budget on business trips during the recessions as the economy would be in decline during this period. The business is finding that majority of their customers are those who had negative experience(s) from booking online in the past, and customers that appreciate something assembling their trip for them using the internet. The main concerns for these customers were; lack of support at the destination e.g. translator, transport etc, lack of back up e.g. insurance if anything happens, or open ticket and security e.g. credit card fraud. Even thought booking with The Flight Shop (BCD Travel) customers would still have to give out their credit/debit card details to the business. A huge percentage, not all the customers seem to trust the BCD operators to good job using the internet. The business prominence on higher-value clients and add-ons. Standard packages have been cut off in the business, this may be due to the low profit made off them. Customers are not just based in Hull, as customers who book through them are from all over the UK, many of their business come from customer from the South East and London, which many of them are return-businesses. The business currently have over 30 members of staff employed from the travel agency sector, majority of the staff had said that they've missed face-to-face contact with customers.

The recessions did have an impact on the business with a 30% decrease in the revenue at the end of 2009, but business picked up more sales in 2010 according to M Hart.

-send out tickets….

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